Today I met Alisa, my best german friend, for the first time in almost 2 weeks. She's been in Germany visiting her family during easter, and it was the first time she'd seen them for 7 months! So I can really understand it was nice spending some time with them.
Anyway, we took my car and drove to Annemasse, the city where we go to school, for a cup of coffee. (actually we took some hot chocolat with A LOT of whipped cream but that doesn't anyone really need to know.. ) Afterwards we felt fit for fight to discover the city of Annemasse, which isn't that much to see really, but it was a nice walk anyway =)
And on our way home, we accidently ended up at QUICK, the french answer to McDonalds, and accidently bought some ice cream with smarties...but wtf, we're going for a jog tomorrow!!
I'm thinking this is my new super-pose, don't you think it's relly sexy?? =P

Alisa in annemasse

Great minds think alike!

Cool, huh???

We were checking out some CD:s

Me and my beautiful car which I love more than anything else....haha..

Tomorrow school starts again hehe....
Hope all is well with you!